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Dedh Ishqiya Movie Download 720p Hd 59: The Sequel to the Hit Comedy Ishqiya

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Page 6262MALAY-ENGLISHI VOCABULARY.K-re'ta Se'cwl, a hackney carriage,gharry.Nac'ik k-re'ta, to ride in a carriage.K-re'tilg, curly (of hair). (f. ikal.K-ri'au, to scream (Penang).K-rig', dry.Ba'tok k-rirg', consumption.I'kan k-rirg', dried fish. (f. da'i7g.K-k-ri'rgan, dried up.K-ris', the Malay dagger orcreese.Hulu k-ris', the hilt of a kris.Iu'nusk-ris', to draw the krisfrom the sheath.Ma'ta k-ris', the blade of a kris.Sa'rorg k-ris', the sheath of a kris.Krisek, see kersek.Kritilg, see kretirg.K-rg'ga, a very large red ant.K-roh', muddy, thick, dirty (ofliquids or colours).K-ron'chorg, bangles with tinkling bells attached.K-roig'ko!g, the throat, windpipe. Cf. lehir.K-ru'mun, ber-k-r'rtun, to assemble, come together, swarm,throng. Cf. hi/plon and klumpol.K-ru'sarg, brooch.Krusi, see kursi.K-rut', ber-k-rut', wrinkled. Cf.kchut and kdut.K-sad' and ka'sad (Ar.), intention, aim, object, purpose. Cf.kahandak.Ksah, see kloh.K-tam', a crab. Cf. kpiitig.K-tam', a small knife with whichrice is harvested; a carpenter's plane.K-ta'parg, the Indian almondtree.K-tat', tight fitting. Cf. loygar.K-ti' (Sk.) (33), one hundredthousand.K-ti'ak, armpit.K-ti'ka (Sk.), time, period, moment; also kutika.K-ti'ka yarg ba'ik, a favourabletime.Pa'da k-ti'ka i'tu, at that time.S-k-ti'ka la'ma-iya, a moment, ashort time.K-tok', im-g-tol' (146), to knock,rap. Cf. tpok.P-ig-to/', a knocker, mallet,gavel.K-to'porg, helmet.Ku' (13), possessive pronoun ofthe first person; also used asan abbreviation of aka whenimmediately preceding a verbof which it is the subject.Ku-ah', gravy, sauce.Ku-a'la, the mouth of a riverwhere it enters the sea orflows into another river.Ku-a'li, a cooking pot or pan, ofiron or earthenware. Cf.priok.Ku-a'sa (Sk.), power, strength,authority, attorney. (If. k/at.B-ri' ku-a'sa, to empower, authorise.Ma'at ktt-a'8sa, almighty.Sa' rat ku-a'sa, power of attorney.Ku-at' (Ar.), strength, force, power; strong. Cf. kuasa.IKu-at'kan, to strengthen.K-ku-a'tatn, strength.Kuatir, see khuatir.Ku'bu, a rampart, parapet, earthwork, stockade, fort. Cf.benteig and kota.

Page 106106MALAY-ENGLISEl VOCABULAliY.Ser'ba (Sk. smra,, all), utensils, l'er-s-/i', sided, having sides orfurniture, gear. Cf. perkakas. faces.Ser'ba ka'al, the tackle of a A m'pat per-s-gi', square.ship. Tiga per-s-gi', three sided, triSer'ba ru'ra,,h, household furni- angular.ture ISg'ra (Sk.), speed, haste; quick,Ser'ba sa'lah, altogether wrong. quickly. Cf. Ilks and bagWat.Ser'ban (Pers.), a turban. Ber-sg'ra, to be quick, makeSer'bok, powder. haste.Ser'bu, m-tyer'bu, to rush at, Sy'ra-ka, to hasten, expedite.spring upon, attack. Cf. Shah'(Pers.), emperor king.terkamt.teret(ay Sha-ha'dat (Ar.), confession ofSe'ret (Jav.), to trail or drag faith.along the ground. K-li'^mt sh^h-adat, the MoIaLSer'kap, a trap. Cf. pragklcap. medan profession of faith.Se'roCg, oblique, slanting. Cf. Shah-ban'dar, harbour-master.merirg, seget and chtrondrog. Sha'hid (Ar.), a witness, martyrSer'ta, with, together with; Sha'i' (Ar.), barleywhen, as. Cf. drgan and sama.Ser'ta ld'gan, together with. Sha"ir (Ar.), a poem, poetry.B-ser'ta, with, accompanying. Shaitan (Ar.), Satan, the devil:Ser't'li (99), to accompany. ademon. Cf.iblis.Ser'ta-kan, to unite. Shak' (Ar.), doubt, suspicion,Ser'wa (Sk. sarva), all, in the mistrust. Cf. ttsargkc.phrase: Tuhan serwa sklial Sha'rat (Ar.), rule, regulation;'alalm, Lord of the whole condition, stipulation; conuniverse; usually mispronoun- tract, agreement.ced.src. Cf. sera. Sha'ri'at (Ar.), law, divine law,Setan, see shaitan. statute.Se'wa, m-iye'vac, rent, hire; to Shekh' (Ar.), a chief.let, hire. Sher'bat (Ar.), lemonade.Se'wa kapal, passage money on Shor'ga (Sk.), heaven. (f. lgit,a hip. indra and kycargan.Se'wa rut'mah, the rent of a house. r, ana e Shu'kor (Ar.), thanksgiving,-re ta se'a, hackney carrage. praise. Cf. kaseh and plji.S-ga'la (Sk.), all; sometimes used Si, a particle placed before propermerely to indicate the plural names, nouns and adjectives,1naumber (82). Cf.ndm andnumber (82). Cf. smoa and somewhat in the same way assklia. the word Mr. in English, as inS-gan', reluctant, averse to. the following phrases:S-gar', refreshed, revived. Si-A'li, Mr. Ali.S-gi' orsa'gi, in its deriva- Si-t'nu, Mr. So and sto.tive: Si-c'pa, who?

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Page 125MAILAY-ENGTISH VOC (!ABULARY.125T-roig', the egg-plant, brinjal.T-ro'poig, telescope,field glasses.T-ru'na (Sk.), young man, youth.T-rus', through, straight through,straight, in a direct line.7T-?us' t-rarg', frankly, openly..lJalan t-rus', to go in a directline.T-ru'si, to traverse, pass through.7'-rr's(lz, a canal as a short cutbetween two rivers or tworeaches of the same river.T-ru'si, sulphuric acid, sulphateof copper.T-tak', m-n-tak', -kan, to chop,hack, give a cutting blowwith a knife or sword. (f.para"g.T-tam'pan, a cloth or kerchiefworn on the left shoulder atceremonies.T-tap', firm, steady, fixed, settled (in mind or in a place),permanent. Cf. tgoh.T-tap'kan, to strengthen, confirm, settle.T-ta'pi, but, nevertheless; alsotapi.T-tas', to break open from within(as an egg when the chickenis hatched).Tt-ka'la (Sk.), when, at thefam' wenrTu'ai, mn-nu'ai, to reap, cutpadi with a small knife calledpnuai. Cf. ktaml.Tu-a'la (Port.), towel.Tu'am, hot fomentation.Tu'an, master, owner; Mr., sir;you (6).T7'an b-sar, the head of a firm,senior in office.'Ji-an-hal'ba, sir (in writings).' Tluan k-chil', junior in office.7tt al rnt'maa1J, landlord of ahouse.T7l'an ta'iiah, landlord.T7' an-ku, my lord (used in addressing princes).Yarg di-per-tu'an, his majesty.Ber-tu'an-kan, to serve a person,take a person as one's master.Tu-aLg', m-nu11-arg', to pour, pourout. Cf. churah.Tu'ba, a plant the root of whichis used to stupify fish in ariver in order to catch them.Tu'bir, a pit, hollow, deep placein the sea.Tu'boh, the body. Cf. badan.B-kas' tt'boh, that which hastouched the body, clothespresented as a token of affection.1 Ber-p-lok' tu'boh, to fold theI arms.Wll1 WVV 11(I11.Tu'a, old (of age or of manufac- Tu'doh, m-nu'doh, to accuse,tured articles); deep (of bring a charge against. Cf.colours). d'lwa.7T'a mu'da, old and young. 7'T'do-hln, accusation.Jlerah ts, deep red. Tu'dog,;m-nu'dorg, to coverO'rarg tu'a, old people; parents. with a cloth, veil or otherTu'ah, good fortune, prosperity. object. f. tutop and slimut.Cf. untorg. 7tu'doy k-pa la, head-covering,Ber-tu'ah, fortunate, lucky. Tu'doq nmu'ka, veil. 2ff7e9595c

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